Thursday, June 28, 2012

* oh heart ! oh heart !

oh heart ! oh heart !
Why do you cry from insaid?
oh heart ! oh heart !
Why have you broken into pieces?
We asked for the rain
Who has given these tear drops?
We asked for flower's
Who has thrown these pebbles?
Want to pull the cloud,
Spread it as blanket.....
And sleep in the sky
Our desires were broken
Tron off into pieces....
And were thrown
Over thorns by love
You gave me love in my dream's
And kissed me everywhere
When i woke up from dream's
My hands were bleeding
Would there be a flate sans holes?
Can it be compete sans failures?

There is none who is bom
brought up with happiness...
And died happily
there is none who is bom
brought up with sorrow...
half of happinesss
and half of sorrow
Both are part of life
if bumt in fire and bathed in water...
then gold would turn an orament
it is the ladder to saccess....
! oh heart !

Why do you cry from insaid?
oh heart ! oh heart !
Why have you broken into pieces?
We asked for the rain
Who has given these tear drops?
We asked for flower's
Who has thrown these pebbles?
Want to pull the cloud,
Spread it as blanket.....
And sleep in the sky
Our desires were broken
Tron off into pieces....
And were thrown
Over thorns by love
You gave me love in my dream's
And kissed me everywhere
When i woke up from dream's
My hands were bleeding
Would there be a flate sans holes?
Can it be compete sans failures?

There is none who is bom
brought up with happiness...
And died happily
there is none who is bom
brought up with sorrow...
half of happinesss
and half of sorrow
Both are part of life
if bumt in fire and bathed in water...
then gold would turn an orament
it is the ladder to saccess....

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